








My feelings are complicated. When we first returned to China in the 1970s and 1980s, we realized that we were Americans because our behavior and etiquette were not very Chinese, even if we looked like "Chinese".


America is a great place for us to raise a family, have a meaningful career, and allow us to live comfortably.


On the other hand, culturally, we are more Chinese. Eating is inseparable from Chinese food, with a strong sense of savings, which may be something brought by genes.


Even if I don't encounter any prejudice, I will also be affected by some "stereotypes", such as good math, martial arts, etc. Therefore, we are not fully accepted as typical Americans described on TV.


Racial prejudice prevents us from fully participating in American political life - unlike Jews, they look "white". This alone is an obstacle that Asian Americans can never overcome.


I have been an active Republican for several years, but when the Party passed the health insurance bill without sufficient funds, I quit the party. Only then did I recognize their true face and use large deficit spending to buy senior votes for my own benefit.


Therefore, since we are not fully accepted as typical Americans, and we still maintain our natural Chinese cultural orientation, we will naturally be proud to see China's economic progress in all aspects.


Since 1949, people have witnessed the Chinese people from the intersection of poverty to the improvement of living and cultural standards and the development of China's infrastructure, and their voice in the world has been further improved.


Chinese in the world have close ties with Chinese culture and heritage, and we have reason to be proud of these achievements.


Considering the achievements of the Chinese government in social governance, people can understand that there are other models besides "western democracy" that have great potential in social governance. I was particularly impressed by the praise of African Americans for China's help to African countries' economic development.


I believe in the statement of the Chinese government: China rises peacefully and has no intention of becoming a hegemonic country. But at this time, I am more concerned about how the United States will deal with the decline of its influence in the world. I hope that the competition between China and the United States should be positive and peaceful.


Unfortunately, the recent actions of the White House have become more and more worrying. After all, the United States is not ready for the challenges and risks of China.




I don't know what others think. I think it's a good thing.


During the cold war, the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union knew that China was destined to become a big country with world influence. At that time, the relations between the three countries were at a crossroads, and the world was concerned about whether China would favor the Soviet Union or the United States.


Influenced by the geopolitical pattern, China and the United States established diplomatic relations and the two countries quickly entered the honeymoon period. Later, my parents were lucky to be invited to the United States to learn how the United States works, so as to help China establish a similar model, settle in the United States and have frequent exchanges between the two countries.


This is the most successful example in the history of world diplomacy. Later, the United States won the cold war, and China was widely influenced by the United States. From economic policy to cultural exchanges, the exchanges between the two countries have become increasingly extensive. Until today, you have me and I have you, and the economic ties are unprecedented close.


If you go back to 1972 and tell Kissinger and Nixon about the results of things, I believe this is their expectation and intention.




Racism in the United States or around the world is determined by the strength of a country. In the United States, the British are valued, while the Irish or Italians are despised; The Japanese have a higher status, while the Mongols or Vietnamese have a lower status.


Whites are more popular than Africans or Latinos because most European countries are richer, stronger and more powerful. With the rise of China, people of Chinese descent all over the world will also be concerned.


Globally, Americans earn more than most Europeans because we can usually earn more money at home, which is called local protectionism. Therefore, if the Chinese bring more value, the cost of hiring a Chinese will be higher.


Now, if a company or country wants to contact China, they will send their most Chinese people as their representatives, usually either Asian Americans or Chinese Americans.


With the rise of China, Chinese Americans will receive higher and higher treatment because they believe that Chinese Americans can become a bridge between the Chinese people and the mainland market.


I got a well paid job just by speaking Mandarin. If I didn't have this skill, I might not be so successful.




Most Chinese born in the United States must solve complex identity problems, especially if they grow up in an area with fewer Chinese. Generally speaking, for Chinese born in the United States, China's rise is a beautiful thing.


Since modern times, a weak and humiliating China has contributed to the inferiority of Chinese immigrants and their children. In their eyes, it is cool to be accepted by Americans and strive to become a group like whites.


But this mood has changed dramatically. I can certainly see that Chinese children born in the United States now have a stronger sense of cultural pride.


Back to the question, in my opinion, the young people in China are completely different from those in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s.


They are proficient in science and technology. Compared with previous generations, they are exposed to more western culture. Therefore, they are not so deeply rooted in China's traditional way of thinking. Many foreign students return to China with science and technology and ideas to build their country.


China has finally found the right development model. It is becoming a superpower in this century.


With more than 95% of the same people, a well functioning central government and a hard-working construction team, I am full of pride to see my parents' motherland prosper after decades of suffering!




I can't speak on behalf of all Chinese Americans. I can only express my own views.


As a Chinese (ABC) who grew up in New York, there are many Asian immigrants there. I didn't alienate my Chinese roots like other Chinese Americans who grew up in the Midwest or the south.


There are many Chinese students in my university. I think they are very good, but the communication between Chinese Americans and Chinese students is obviously out of touch. Many people who meet me for the first time speak to me in Mandarin, but it is difficult for me to answer fluently.


Because my parents are from Guangdong and I speak Cantonese at home, my Mandarin is very poor and my pronunciation is a little awkward.


Therefore, it is easier for me and most Chinese ABC to answer in English, because even if we understand Mandarin, we may not be able to speak Mandarin fluently.


In addition to language, there are cultural differences. We didn't grow up watching the same programs, playing the same games and listening to the same music, so usually except "how are you?" There is nothing to talk about except superficial greetings. Sometimes it's easier to talk to African American friends than to Chinese students.


During my undergraduate study at the University of California, Berkeley, I met many Chinese students. My impression of them is that they are very smart and diligent.


Chinese Americans like to call overseas students or Chinese mainland people who love to come to the United States as material and rude two generation. But contrary to these stereotypes, most of the Chinese students I met were modest and down-to-earth.


When I was in college, I had a strong interest in studying China and its culture and history. I like to be with my Chinese classmates because they can let me know the first-hand situation of China, which makes me yearn for China infinitely.


Briefly state my views on China:


•it is now a strong and rich country, which makes me happy and proud, because after all, I have Chinese blood and speak Chinese.


•the stronger China, the better, because now people no longer look down on or make fun of the Chinese (including Chinese citizens and overseas Chinese). The world also needs such a country to balance the influence of the United States.

