








India is a multi-cultural, multi religious, multi lingual and multi surname society. If all forces unite, they can help India achieve its great and brilliant achievements. If all forces confront each other, they may destroy the country.


Unfortunately, the biggest problem India is facing is the latter. Each political party, region and religion in India has its own interests. They are constantly fighting with each other in an attempt to maximize their own interests, rather than seeking the greatest common divisor for the broadest public interests.


Indians elect leaders according to the candidate's caste, community and religion rather than whether they have the ability to govern the country.


Once these politicians come to power, they will choose to cater to the voice of voters rather than the needs of the country, so as to please voters and maintain their personal support rate, so as to continue to win elections.


India's leadership is pulling the country into the abyss. The struggle between different parties is like Tetris, fighting on the same issue, and then offsetting each other, resulting in zero results.


Unlike India, China's political system can avoid this internal friction to the greatest extent. Under the common vision, everyone is moving in the same direction, and the people's strength is consistent, so their achievements are multiplied.


So China has built 30000 kilometers of high-speed railway, 190000 kilometers of expressway, the busiest port in the world, the most advanced factory, global leading enterprises such as Huawei and Xiaomi, large financial centers, subway trunk lines shuttling through major cities, etc. What do you think India is doing?


India is a colonial socialist hybrid country. Its operation is based on caste, tribe, religion, gender, geography, language and gender, and takes the high-level people stealing interests from the low-level people as the source and driving force.


Its constitution has the characteristics of both British conservatism and communism, and uses it as a basis to distribute rather than create wealth.


What happened? In this poor country, the rich ruling class constantly parasitized and sucked blood, implemented the legal and judicial system of the 17th century, and struggled to survive in the twilight of means under the police and the government.


Such atavistic government organs that govern disorderly are inefficient, incompetent, corrupt and irresponsible. Year after year, they become more and more bloated and the social productivity is becoming lower and lower.


China's social structure is much healthier. Through the revolution, they eliminated all the unreasonable elements of the old era: warlords, landlords, compradors, capitalists, etc.


They have a strong leading Party and resolutely seize the opportunity in the struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, which constitutes the foundation of today's China's economy, technology, strength and prosperity.


It is for this reason that China is developing rapidly and gradually eliminating poverty, while India is still struggling with poverty, education, malnutrition and many other problems.




From the perspective of India's economic system, India is more like a perfect socialist country with planned economy than China. India pursues market socialism. The public and private sectors coexist. Franchising, quotas and import substitution have greatly reduced the domestic economic growth rate.


From 1950 to 1990, India grew slowly at the rate of 3%. It was not until the LPG reform in 1991 that we turned to a free market economy. It was not until 1990 that we began to pay attention to exports, open all economic fields to private enterprises and fully tap the great potential of globalization.


However, India's biggest mistake is that it did not invest in human capital in those years. Even today, our spending on health and education is still lower than the size of our economy. Therefore, when China takes advantage of its huge demographic dividend, we have been far behind.


Under the market socialist system, India lacks incentives and accountability, and the efficiency of all sectors is bound to reach the bottom.


As Dr. Singh once said, money does not grow from trees, but our successive governments have ignored this basic principle: the government needs to make money first and then spend a penny.


Under the control of all government resources, it has become normal for the ruling party to treat government funds as personal property.


Due to the lack of check and balance mechanism, the ruling party squandered these funds wantonly, which put great pressure on the national finance and deprived any government assistance to the rural economy, resulting in a significant reduction in self employment and traditional crafts in rural India.


More than two thirds of India's population lives in rural areas, but the financial investment for farmers in infrastructure development has never exceeded 25%, which has had disastrous consequences, because rural India contributes more than 50% of the labor force, and agriculture plays an important role in the whole socio-economic structure.


The agricultural sector used to be the main source of income in rural India, but the situation of the agricultural sector is also very bad. This main source of income is drying up, exposing the bottom people to poverty and exploitation.


In the face of this situation, the government has never encouraged enterprises to invest in the agricultural sector, which hinders the promotion of new and improved technologies to improve agricultural productivity. Facts have proved that enterprise funds are very important to promote the development of traditional craftsmen and small-scale agricultural industries.


In the Indian bureaucracy, poverty has always been regarded as an inevitable and incurable problem, but this is not a tragedy that mankind is destined to face. It is reflected in our way to solve this problem.


We have never given priority to infrastructure construction, so there have never been roads, electricity and medical services in rural areas. This is the fundamental flaw in our approach to poverty alleviation, that is, instead of making them self reliant, we emphasize free gifts and temporary assistance, which in turn makes poverty a cash cow for institutions. Therefore, the poor are poor because government agencies like to cultivate the poor.


If we had awakened earlier, we might have achieved some remarkable results and might have freed almost everyone from the poverty trap.


But because of our pseudo idealism, we lost the war to eradicate poverty.




For a period in the 1990s, the economic volume and model of India and China were very similar, but India was far behind due to China's reform.


China's total exports amounted to US $2.5 trillion (mainly including manufacturing products); India exports 316 billion (mainly agricultural products).


In China, the unemployment rate has been below 5% for a long time. India's unemployment rate is 21% higher.


China is a very smart country, and we have to admit it. In the field of import and export trade, they mainly export manufactured products, and their price and cost advantages are very high. They have chosen the right development field and made great progress, because they know that it is impossible to get rich by relying on agriculture and other fields.


India must develop in many fields, such as the manufacturing industry where China is located. In India, more than 50% of the population depends on agriculture, and the employed population must be transferred to other industries.


India's farmers are mainly from Uttar Pradesh, with the largest population of 21 million. In terms of economy, they are also the worst performing state, even if it has great development potential.


A key issue facing the Indian economy is the sharp expansion of differences between different states and regions in terms of poverty, infrastructure availability and socio-economic development.


Six low-income States - Assam, Chhattisgarh, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, odisha and Uttar Pradesh - account for more than one third of India's population and are well below the national average in terms of income, literacy, life expectancy and living conditions.


Many of these COVID-19 have suffered hitherto unknown long-term unemployment. The government must promote infrastructure in India, such as the recent Agra metro project, to create more job opportunities.


Improving literacy is also very important for India's development, but the government is irresponsible and has done nothing in this regard.


India's private companies are more dynamic, and the government must support them so that they can expand and create more jobs. India has a large number of people, and their employment depends on private companies rather than government positions.


India must improve the quality of its goods in order to compete in the international market. India "must make it easier for external companies to invest in infrastructure and start attracting them.


Corruption is also a major problem in India's economic growth. Many people used to get jobs through bribery, which makes the quality of work in India very poor.


If India is willing to do so, India can also lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty.


China has made various efforts to improve itself and put itself into a better state, and India must do the same.


But the question is, is the Indian government and people willing and ready to make great efforts and sacrifices?



