








In the early days, Chinese enterprises had great influence in Vietnam. I can list several famous Vietnamese companies. If we trace their roots, we can see that their founders or largest shareholders are Chinese or Chinese, such as Biti, Jindao, Minglong porcelain, duy t ê n plastic, etc.

早期,中国人的企业在越南拥有巨大影响力。我可以列举几家著名的越南公司,如果追溯他们的根源,可以看到他们的创始人或最大的持股股东都是华裔或中国人,比如比提、金道、明龙瓷器、Duy tên塑料等等。

These companies are very familiar to Vietnamese over the age of 30, because in the 1990s, we didn't have so many consumer choices. Their business lines focus on consumer goods, such as shoes, food, flat products, daily necessities, porcelain, etc.


With the growth of age, these enterprises gradually blurred in my memory. Most of them were established in the 1970s and 1980s. Except for ị NH pH á t who invested in real estate and sacombank who engaged in banking, most of them have gradually declined.

随着年龄的增长,这些企业在我的记忆里渐渐模糊,他们大多数成立于上个世纪七八十年代,除了投资房地产的ịnh Phát和从事银行业的Sacombank,多数已经渐渐式微。

In general, Chinese enterprises are declining in Vietnam because their business model is outdated and they are too slow to adapt to new needs (Kinh do was recently sold and sacombank's recent scandal with its senior managers).

总的来说,华人企业在越南正在逐渐衰落,因为它们的运营模式已经过时,而适应新需求的速度又太慢(Kinh Do最近被出售,Sacombank最近高层管理人员的丑闻频频被曝光)。

Those engaged in consumer business are still doing well, but their existence is only at the middle level and it is difficult to dominate Vietnam's economy.


According to public statistics, one tenth of the richest people in Vietnam are ethnic Chinese. Coupled with foreign-funded enterprises from China, their contribution rate to Vietnam's economy is no more than 15%. However, considering that there are only about 1 million ethnic Chinese in Vietnam, this data is still surprising, which means that their efficiency is nearly ten times higher than that of Vietnamese, There are probably the following reasons:


1. The Chinese in Vietnam mainly live in Saigon. Saigon is the commercial and economic center of Vietnam. There are more business opportunities here, while Vietnam's urbanization is only 35%, 90 million Vietnamese are scattered all over the country, and a large number of poor people and unemployed people have a problem of satiety.

1. 在越南的中国人主要居住在西贡,西贡是越南的商业和经济中心,在这里有更多的商业机会,而越南的城镇化仅有35%,9000万越南人分散在全国各地,更有大量的贫困人有和失业人口饱腹都成问题。

2. Chinese in Vietnam have always maintained extensive contacts with Chinese communities in other Asian countries, which helped them a lot after the Vietnam War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which also explains why their business focuses on consumer goods, such as porcelain, plastic products, pens, etc.


In recent years, affected by many factors such as the transfer of China's manufacturing industry, Vietnam's economy began to take off. The new economy represented by state-owned enterprises, start-ups, foreign capital, service industry and tourism has greatly promoted Vietnam's economic and social development.


Thanks to the stable social environment and policy system, everyone in Vietnam has the same opportunity to establish their own enterprises and succeed, and the same is true for Chinese in Vietnam.


During my 12 years of basic education, I studied with Chinese Vietnamese students several times. Their performance was different, some of them studied well and some of them were very poor.


The only difference is that the girl sitting next to me in the class can speak an additional language and doesn't have to take an English language course (it's super cool because most Vietnamese don't even speak English, although English has been a compulsory course since grade 4). In short, they are not prominent in Vietnamese society, both intellectually and physically.


In fact, there is no situation that "Vietnamese Chinese control most of Vietnam's economy". Of course, if you restate your question as whether China plays an important role in shaping Vietnam's economy, then this is a completely different question, and the answer may be more likely to be "indeed".




My answer is No. However, since ancient times, the Chinese have really grasped the importance of river / coastal trade hubs, not only Vietnam, but also scattered in the active network of wider Indonesian islands, rivers, coastal and large island chains in mainland Asia.


The operation of Chinese port trade has continued to modern times, most notably the "big market" in Sai Kung District 5. Since modern times, Vietnamese Chinese have established a global trade network with Chinese and trading partners all over the world.


However, in the past century, although Chinese entrepreneurs have achieved great success in Vietnam, they have led to unfortunate and frequent cleaning.


The most important stage was that after the Communist Party of Vietnam took over the south, the Chinese and their capitalist property suffered huge losses in retaliatory attacks.


There was a time when there was a high level of opposition to Chinese business in Vietnam, although they found that most industries were beyond the reach of Vietnamese in terms of technology or operational ability. Nevertheless, there is no sign that local Chinese monopolize Vietnam's economy.




Although I am not a Vietnamese citizen, I believe this is true because I once lived in Vietnam and had a deep understanding of the prevailing social mood and political atmosphere at that time.


Although the Chinese are discriminated against and restricted by the ruling power of the authorities in Vietnam, they will work hard wherever and in any position. They will always think about the future of themselves and their families. They often save wealth, invest wisely and ensure stable investment returns.


Vietnam is so close to its Chinese neighbors that China's long-term rule over Vietnam in history has left an indelible psychological shadow on the Vietnamese, and some stubborn Vietnamese thugs can hardly believe that China helped the country defeat the French and American invaders.


In the last century, the Chinese people tightened their belts to assist Vietnam, with a total amount of more than 20 billion US dollars. After the Vietnam War, tens of thousands of Chinese volunteers helped with logistics and reconstruction.


Yes, I want to say that China and Chinese entrepreneurs control most of the economy, because before and after the American invasion of Vietnam, China helped Vietnam build a lot of infrastructure.


As the writer Ken Fujita said, the property of many Cantonese who came to Vietnam was confiscated by the Communist Party of Vietnam after the war, and they were deported after their property was confiscated.

正如作家Ken Fujita所说,许多来越广东人的财产在战后被越南共产党没收,他们在财产被没收后被驱逐出境。

Is this the gratitude of this country to China for its help? You know, at that time, only China and the Soviet Union provided assistance to Vietnam.


There is no other reason. The border friction between the two countries in 1979 is the main reason.

原因无他, 1979年两国边界摩擦是主因。

Chinese enterprises were ransacked many times later. Most of these Vietnamese thugs were unemployed and idle. They robbed money and hurt people under the incitement of hating the Chinese people.


As the Vietnamese government has repeatedly arrested troublemakers, anyone with appropriate funds and willing to invest in Vietnam, including Chinese, is welcome.


In terms of economic development, positive political statements mean abundant funds.


Generally speaking, most Vietnamese and Chinese are living in harmony, and there is no hostility to each other's exchanges and trade. A typical example is the number of intermarriages between Chinese and Vietnamese. There is no resentment or jealousy in the integrated community.


Vietnamese people must remember a truth: foreign or local investment has brought employment and wealth to Vietnam, and the climate of exclusion caused by riots and chaos will scare away any potential investors who turn their eyes to Vietnam.




Seeing this problem, I want to tell my family story.


My great grandfather's name was su Jiacai (Vietnamese: to GIA Tai). He was a Chinese herbal medicine doctor. He was born in a fishing village in Hainan. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, he traveled across the sea to Vietnam.

我的曾祖父名叫蘇嘉才(越南语:To Gia-Tai),是一位来自中国的中草药医生,他出生在海南的一个渔村,清朝灭亡后他漂洋过海来到了越南。

With his knowledge and medical skills, his career became bigger and bigger, so he gave up the idea of returning to China, married here, and my family grew stronger and stronger.


Before the end of the Vietnam War, panlang city in South Vietnam was still a famous commercial activity center. There were seven well-known commercial families on the first avenue of the city, and our family was one of them.


According to my father, grandfather and six other brothers and sisters, the shop run by Su Jiacai, the founder of our family, was located in the first avenue of the city. Because he bought a house and an industry for each of his children, his children lived a very rich life. At that time, many business owners on the first avenue were Chinese.


My father recalled that until the 1960s, the Vietnamese government decided to arrest all the business owners of Pan Lang, most of whom were of Chinese descent, because the government believed that the Chinese were secretly funding the Vietnamese Communist Party.


At that time, the Vietnamese Communist Party was a communist guerrilla group against the southern government. My father's uncle and aunt were arrested, except the second uncle because his son-in-law had relations with the army, So he survived.


My grandfather was also arrested in this large-scale arrest, but later, my grandmother's family had a strong military and political background, which finally forced the authorities to release all Chinese or Chinese Vietnamese in panlang city.


In fact, the Chinese have been extorted a lot of money by the authorities, and their enterprises have never recovered.


If someone goes to panlang First Avenue today to mention the Su or Du family, people will talk about most of the industries they own on First Avenue.


Anyway, this is just my family anecdote, but we can also understand the hardships and difficulties of Chinese at that time from the background of the times. Today, the opportunities of each group in Vietnam are more equal, and the Chinese no longer occupy the dominant position in the economy as in the past.

