







美国专家Vikas Joshi的回答

I am a member of the Deloitte team, an international accounting firm. Our team did a study on "survey of business regulatory environment in manufacturing industry in India - state level assessment". We visited 28 states and discussed their problems with hundreds of industrialists.


Accenture, Bain, KPMG and Ernst & Young also made similar research and reports. Ernst & Young's investigation work in Rajasthan is particularly excellent, and Accenture's report is also a good summary.


I would like to answer your question briefly and state in advance that the views expressed below are my own, not Deloitte's.


Poor infrastructure: it is well known that this greatly increases the cost of doing business. For example, shipping containers from Singapore to Chennai are cheaper and faster than road / rail containers from Chennai to Mumbai.


Excessive pricing in key industries: populist governments (including central and state governments) cross subsidize consumers by charging higher prices to industries.


For example, the cost of commercial railway transportation in India is the highest, but the railway ticket in India is the cheapest, and the industrial electricity price in India remains at a very high level to offset the loss caused by the provision of electricity subsidies to residential consumers.


High land cost: India's high population density means less land per capita. Land is the only source of income for most people, so they are not willing to give up land.


Uneducated farmers do not have the skills to get high paying jobs, so they can only support their families through a large area of land. Most of India is fertile land that can produce multi season crops, which makes land more valuable to farmers.


In addition, the collusion and insider trading between landlords and politicians have further increased the cost of land.


Lack of skills: although India has a large population, the average level of education and skills is very low. Only a small number of people have received appropriate vocational training. Therefore, most of the population is unemployed.


This makes the wages of those with skills very high. The wages of experienced welders in steel plants are 90000 rupees, much higher than engineers, and the wages of experienced long-distance truck drivers are 40000 rupees, much higher than entry-level engineers.


Perverse legal system: the labor dispute law is the most regressive and regressive labor law in the world. This Law stipulates that if your production unit has more than 100 workers, no matter what the reason, you can't fire anyone, even if the workers sleep, slouch and don't even do any work. Therefore, when the employees don't work well, the company will pay a high price.


Credit cost: due to high inflation (especially during uPA 2), India's interest rate has remained high for a long time, putting great pressure on enterprise capital turnover.

信贷成本:由于高通胀(特别是在UPA 2期间),印度的利率长期居高不下,给企业资金周转带来巨大的压力。

Corruption: in India, setting up or running an industrial sector is a nightmare compared to setting up a software company, and all state departments require bribes in exchange for administrative licenses.


The most serious violators are the pollution control department (especially for "orange" / "red" highly polluting industries), the labor department and the tax department.


You even need to pay bribes to pass the boiler safety inspection and get the measurement approved! The inspectors of these departments never even enter the factory production workshop. They will go directly to your office to "solve".


Tax system: the large amount of taxes levied by the central, state and local governments means that each enterprise has to fill out dozens of forms, submit dozens of returns, pay the fees of Chartered Accountants each time, travel back and forth dozens of times to visit the tax department, and bribe dozens of different officials.


In addition, it increases the cost of road transportation due to the inspection of national borders and bribery.


Efficiency: China can efficiently relocate entire villages and build roads / factories. They can solve the problem of benefit distribution as efficiently as possible without any friction.


They can efficiently pass a new law or amend an old law on the premise of conforming to laws and procedures, so as to make the examination and approval of enterprises easier. In the Indian system, there are protests, debates, debates, investigations, committees and political opposition, which will slow everything down.


For example, POSCO is the largest foreign direct investment in India's history. Due to protests, they still didn't get the land for construction 10 years later.


For example, they often harass the political and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) until they are basically related to their projects.


There are other factors: (a) slow legal systems often make contracts difficult to enforce. (b) Obtaining construction permits in India is one of the slowest and most corrupt processes in the world. (c) In some states, obtaining industrial electricity takes more than three months of bribes. For more details, see the World Bank report on business convenience.

还有其他因素:(a)缓慢的法律制度往往导致合同难以执行。(b) 在印度获得建筑许可证是世界上最慢、最腐败的过程之一。(c) 在一些州,获得工业用电要经过3个月以上周期的贿赂。更多详细信息,可以参见世界银行关于经商便利性的报告。

Many states are promoting simplification like "single window cleaning" - basically replacing about 20 forms that need to be submitted before with a single form to start a new manufacturing business. But unless these factors improve, India's manufacturing costs will still be much higher than China's.



印度网友Sagar Jain的回答

Some of my relatives operate manufacturing plants in Tamil Nadu, a relatively developed state. My in laws have also recently begun to import goods from China and become distributors of Chinese manufacturers in India. Here are my views.


Convenience and availability of power: the power supply in India is not all-weather. In Coimbatore and other industrial areas, there is only about eight hours of power supply every day, which means that the machine can only be idle for 16 hours, which wastes production capacity and increases costs.

电力地便利性和可用性: 印度的电力供应不是全天候的,在哥印拜陀和其他工业区,每天只有大约八个小时的电力供应,这意味着机器只能闲置16个小时,既浪费了产能也增加了成本。

Power cost: in India, we have a lot of power subsidy projects for farmers, because farmers are the huge political foundation of regional political parties, so that power companies either go bankrupt or charge huge fees for the industry, and the power cost is often even higher than that of some developed countries.


Labor cost: it is extremely difficult to obtain good factory labor in Tamil Nadu and other places, and technicians have entered high paid industries.


After we recruit labor from the north, after working for a period of time, they usually leave without saying hello and move away, and they are extremely lack of skills and knowledge. At the same wage level, such as $250, the quality of labor recruited in China is much higher than that in India.


Transportation cost: in terms of land transportation, considering the poor road conditions, it may take a week or even longer to transport from northern India to southern India.


Sometimes, shipping from Shenzhen is faster and cheaper than from Calcutta. Time is money. All these delays will increase your cost. If it arrives within two days, I can sell it immediately instead of waiting for two months in vain (which will increase the cost of warehousing, interest, etc.).


Bureaucracy prevails: it is very expensive to open a new factory or handle any business, because it will waste a lot of time and money.


You need to fill out a lot of forms and press a lot of fingerprints in order to operate legally.


Transportation between States is also often delayed, so the industry has vigorously promoted the collection of goods and services tax, and corruption, delay and inefficiency will continue unless most Indian laws, especially those on factories and labor, are repealed.


Indians have always opposed the existence of large enterprises and industries. They believe that this will harm their interests. Most of them adhere to the outdated laws supporting small household handicrafts, because such laws have formulated many preferential policies for small and micro enterprises, but these small enterprises are too small to compete with China's large-scale production, which leads to the development of clothing, textile and other fields, High costs in India.


If India wants to compete with China, we must thoroughly reform all the economic laws we have implemented since 1947 - taxes, labor, factories, etc. otherwise, not to mention China, Vietnam and Bangladesh, we have no cost advantage.



