






I am Vietnamese, let me tell you that we win the victory in the Vietnam War and the Indochina War (1945 - 1954) in the United States, thanks to China's assistance.


Vietnam made the first Indochina war against France's restoration of colonial rule, and striving for and safeguarding national independence. Its last battle was called "the battle of Dien Bien Phu".


The 105mm artillery used by the Vietnamese Ming army (the Vietnamese army at that time) mainly came from China. These 105mm artillery were captured by the army of the people's Republic of China, so the main country of origin may be the United States.


Without these 105mm guns and Chinese military experts to help train and calibrate the Vietnamese army, the Vietnamese army could not win the Dien Bien Phu battle unexpectedly.


At that time, the Vietnamese army knew nothing about the use of artillery. They could not even distinguish the uses of 37mm anti-aircraft guns and 105mm guns. They had no time to study and train before fighting with the experienced French army.


Similarly, in the Vietnam War, the main machine gun AK used by Vietnamese was also type 56 (AK variant made in China) and other infantry weapons made in China.


Even the symbol of the end of the Vietnam War (the tank that hit the gate of the presidential palace in South Vietnam) is a Chinese tank (59 390 - a replica of the Russian t-54).


After the Vietnam War, Vietnam was involved in another war, called the border war with Cambodia, and then triggered friction with China, which reduced Vietnam's economy to its lowest level since independence.


After the Chengdu conference, China once again opened the door for Vietnam's economy. This is the first time that China reopened the border door for Vietnam and began free trade. With the increasingly warm economic and trade relations between the two countries, the living standards of the Vietnamese people are improving day by day.



Yes, we owe China a lot of human debt, but I don't understand why so many Vietnamese want to forget or even deny the contribution of the Chinese people. They believe that Vietnam can obtain independence from France without the help of the Chinese people. It's ridiculous.



This is because we are very similar from culture to lifestyle and even some parts of language.


Let me explain for myself. I come from Ho Chi Minh City, from a family slightly richer than ordinary families. My father has a close business relationship in China.


Over the past few years, I have visited Guangdong, Beijing and Guangxi intensively. I have been trying to deny China's influence, but I can't do it at all.


The cultural similarities between China and Vietnam raise the question: what are the differences between our two countries? The food is similar, the clothes are similar, the mental state is similar, and even some people speak the same two languages. People look very similar in appearance. They are like Vietnamese cousins.


I used to be a young and confused nationalist. I didn't like this huge neighbor since I was a child. I hate that he occupied my country for thousands of years. I hate those stupid tourists. I hate that they invaded my country again in 1979. I like to hype everything about China on youtube and Facebook.


Even so, I still remember that my father always forced me to study Chinese philosophy and history for a long time. I remember that when I was a child, I liked watching Chinese movies and reading Chinese poetry. For some time, I even tried to learn some bamboo weaving. I was also proud of the Confucian professional ethics of the Vietnamese people. We also celebrated the Spring Festival happily, just like the Chinese people.


After I realize that we can't visit China, whether we like it or not.


Ironically, when we conquered Cambodia, we spread Chinese culture to the whole Mekong River Basin. China and Vietnam are distant cousins. They have fought many wars. In ancient times, Vietnam was ruled by China, but no matter what happened, we are always close relatives of mountains and rivers.



Many sociologists describe Vietnam as a raped virgin who enjoys, humiliates and despises the process at the same time. I feel this can properly describe our feelings:


What we love is:


• Chinese culture - all this because, to be honest, Chinese and Vietnamese cultures are almost the same, just like the differences between Beijing and Guangdong;


• for film and television works, we like Jackie Chan and Jet Li. We import a large number of historical dramas from China every year, and we won't feel cultural estrangement when watching them.


• food, as can be seen from the history book, from Zhejiang in Southeast China to Guangdong and Guangxi, it was called the place of Baiyue in ancient times. Many practices of Vietnamese food came from immigrants from Fujian and Guangdong.



• our cultural similarities - there are three kinds of people in Vietnam by culture: TA = us (Vietnamese), t – y = foreigners, t á U - Chinese.


What we hate is:


• South Island Reef dispute, which has caused many contradictions;


• Yongle of the Ming Dynasty burned all the books of the Annan kingdom in Vietnam! This makes Vietnam's history almost dating.


• as many geopolitical books say, China in the north is condescending, which makes weak Vietnam very afraid and frightened.



1.There are nearly 100 million people in Vietnam. They have very different feelings about China and the Chinese people. Some of them have a purely negative attitude towards China, others are indifferent to any Chinese, some are neutral towards China as a country, but are not interested in its culture, and many Worship Chinese culture but are indifferent to politics. You can't simply define all Vietnamese feelings for China.


2. Anyway, for those who have the complex feeling you mentioned, I feel the reason is here:


• Vietnamese people are very concerned about China, because China has accounted for 90% of their history classes since their first day of school. Vietnam's relations with China cover Vietnam's 4000 year history. France, the United States and China have always been the diplomatic priorities that Vietnam must pay attention to.


In the feudal era, Vietnam was controlled by the Chinese dynasty to a large extent. Vietnam is only one of the small countries controlled by China, so it is understandable that China does not pay much attention to us, but how can we not pay much attention to China?


• Vietnamese culture is deeply influenced by Chinese culture. Considering that Vietnam used to teach Confucianism, it is not difficult to understand that Vietnamese culture is very biased towards China, although there are good and bad.


• the era of learning Confucianism is long gone, but many Vietnamese still know Chinese history very well. Why? Because a large number of books, novels and TV historical dramas - mostly TV dramas - poured into Vietnamese life.



I have to admit that at some point, I know more about China's feudal era than we do, because the gorgeous TV play legend of Zhen Huan is much better than our own TV play.


3. But the above is just like rather than love. Vietnamese like it, but they don't have a special feeling. They also like many other cultures. Compared with American culture, Japanese culture and Korean culture, Chinese culture has far fewer fans.


The Vietnamese dislike of China is mainly political and has nothing to do with culture.


Because no country is more important to Vietnam than China, and no country has played so much role and exerted so much influence on our country as China.


What was China to Vietnam before ancient times? It is both a friendly neighbor and a terrible opponent; It is not only a great teacher, but also a decisive master of deforestation; It is a violent state organ and a savior of peace; It is a kind protector and a dangerous controller.



