








Because ancient China advocated the positive and active development of diplomatic relations with vassal states, adopted a "non occupation" attitude towards neighboring countries, backed by force, and strive to subdue the states in a way that does not use war.


Over the years, many historians have tried to figure out why China is unwilling to colonize the world because it has a lot of resources, manpower and technology to achieve this goal.


In the Tang Dynasty around 600 A.D., China's shipbuilding and navigation technology was already very developed, and it was able to explore and discover the Western Hemisphere and the Australian continent across the Pacific Ocean.


During the northern and Southern Song Dynasties, when trade flourished and maritime navigation was frequent, China established a huge trading fleet with tens of thousands of ships, which could easily travel through the South China Sea and the East China Sea.


Ancient Chinese dynasties attached great importance to overseas trade, so that in Chinese history, the Southern Song Dynasty from the 11th century to the 12th century built its capital on the coast for the first time, which was located in the modern port city of Hangzhou. Before and after that, the capitals of all dynasties in China were located inland, far from the coast, such as Kaifeng, Xi'an and so on.


The following is a Model replica of a Southern Song Dynasty ship, which was built in the 11th century. It is larger and more advanced than any ship built in the world at that time. These ships have huge rudders and separate sails that are effectively fixed with the wind, which is no less than the Spanish galleons used by Europeans for exploration and colonization in the 16th and 16th centuries.




China's navigation technology reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty in the early 14th century. At that time, Emperor Yongle appointed the trusted eunuch Zheng He to lead the "treasure fleet" to show the world China's strength and wealth. As far as I know, Emperor Yongle is the only Chinese emperor since the Tang Dynasty who has paid attention to marine exploration as the main tool to expand China's influence and invested a lot of resources to achieve this goal.


These "treasure fleets" set out from Nanjing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty at that time, crossed the Indian Ocean, and some reached the coast of East Africa all the way. They carried out seven expeditions from 1405 to 1433.




The giant ship above is one of the flagship ships of Zheng He's "treasure fleet", which sails from China to Indonesia and then to India.


In 1498, the Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama sailed near the Cape of good hope at the southern tip of Africa on his way to "discover" India. The much smaller ship below is the European flagship, whose construction technology is at the forefront of European sailing technology. A comparison between the two shows the great difference in technology.

1498年,葡萄牙探险家瓦斯科·达伽马(Vasco Da Gama)在前往“发现”印度的途中,曾在非洲南端的好望角(Cape of Good Hope)附近航行,而下图这艘小得多的船就是这艘欧洲旗舰,这艘旗舰的建造技艺处于欧洲帆船的技术前沿。两者一对比就可以看出技术上的巨大差异。


A whole "treasure fleet" sailed at sea. Each fleet had hundreds of ships and hundreds of people on each ship. One fleet would have about 20000 people, which made this fleet as populous as modern cities and became the largest fleet in the world at that time.


These fleets sailed thousands of miles at a time, compared with Vasco da Gama's fleet of four small boats and up to 170 people in 1498.


Therefore, if China competed with Europe as a colonist in the early 14th century, it would be almost nothing to beat Europe.


But after the death of Emperor Yongle in 1424, China began to isolate itself from the outside world. Later, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty demolished the huge ship of the "treasure fleet" and used the huge funds originally used for maritime exploration and diplomacy to build the expensive great wall and form and maintain a huge army to resist the frequent attacks on Mongolia on the northern border.


For China, this is a bad time to cut off its ties with the outside world. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europe began to achieve leapfrog development in technology, ideology and culture. It was colonial rule and the continuous competition it fostered among small European countries that led to these technological leaps.


It is the centralized power system of China in history that leads to China's failure to explore, colonize and expand outside the sphere of influence in East Asia under its direct control.


Due to the high centralization of state power, any decision made by the imperial court will either promote or stop projects that may lead to colonization. If Emperor Yongle's "treasure fleet" continued for another 100 years after 1433, perhaps one or two legislative officials or emperors would think that seizing some land and colonies was a good idea, and all the money and trouble they spent on these large-scale maritime expeditions would be worth it.


Unfortunately, after 1433, the Ming Court became very conservative and focused on the ethnic minorities in the north. After 1644, the Qing Dynasty continued to pursue the same land-based foreign policy, completely ignoring the development of maritime technology.


The governments of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were still deeply uneasy about overseas trade. They regulated and controlled it with a strange anti alien paranoia, so that foreigners and Chinese businessmen were closely monitored and restrained. This is an almost 180 degree policy change, which is completely different from the openness, trade friendliness and cosmopolitanism of the Southern Song Dynasty.


Due to political differences, Europeans did not face the problem of excessive concentration of exploration and colonial decision-making power like China.


Christopher Columbus is a good example.


Columbus was a fanatical colonist. In order to spread the legend of gold and spices, he raised funds from the monarchs of Portugal, Britain and other European countries, and was rejected five times.


Finally, she had to go to the Spanish court to Visit Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. Isabella was still skeptical, but Ferdinand was quite interested in it. Columbus finally persuaded the king, and the king persuaded his wife. In 1492, Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean with his ships and money and treasure and discovered the new world.




Even if Columbus failed before the Spanish monarch, he could still appeal to other countries and convince the kings of France, Scotland, the kingdoms and rich city states of Italy, the Pope, the king of Denmark, the Holy Roman emperor, and the kingdoms and city states of Germany.


In other words, Columbus can be said to have many choices in finding his "venture capitalist". His goal is to make a deal with a monarch and succeed in overseas exploration.


Imagine if in China, a Columbian Explorer with crazy exploration ideas can only ask the imperial court for permission. If the emperor refuses him, the story will end and he has no choice.


Therefore, it was this high degree of centralization of feudal state unification that stifled all Chinese interest in exploring overseas and subsequent colonization.

