







美国网友安特拉 阿宾纳迪的回答

Since British colonialism took root in India today, India has been brainwashed by the media for hundreds of years. Under the current social atmosphere and political system, India will never develop better than China.


Most Indian media are owned by foreign capital, so the media are always anti India, anti Hinduism and anti patriots.


China is now 25 years ahead of India, and 10 years later, China will lead for 30 years. Almost all large cities in China are interconnected through high-speed rail, and each city can be comparable with western countries in the construction of roads, buildings and parks.


Look at India. Mumbai, the largest city, does not even have a ring line. Because the Indian government failed to pay attention to infrastructure investment in the 1990s, Mumbai lost the opportunity to become the next Shanghai.


China's judicial system protects their enterprises from the western judicial system, but what about India? The new judges are appointed to operate behind closed doors and have serious nepotism. These judges serve western capital giants. Recently, Vodafone, a telecom giant, seriously violated the tax law. After being tried by the judges, they were handed over to the British side.


India's manufacturing industry is completely a shelf. Factories only assemble, and the core components are all imported. India can make rockets and satellites, but there is no company that can make mobile phones. More than 90% of the mobile phone market share in the market is occupied by China.


LED, solar panels, TV panels, engines, industrial machinery, various electronic products, refrigerators, are almost all imported or assembled in India, but not made in India.


If India wants to become a developed country, it can only be achieved in the following ways:


Nationalize Indian media and block foreign brainwashing media. The reports of these media are not true. They create disputes to make money and create trouble at home.


Establish a recall system to eliminate corruption at all levels.


We will abolish preferential treatment for high caste people in education and work, and put an end to all discrimination.


Ban the so-called human rights commission. They never worry about a girl being raped and brutally killed. Girls have no human rights? Why only claim rights for criminals? The Commission on human rights works only for the United States to encourage global crime.


The recruitment of judges in India shall be based on online examination and no interview shall be conducted. Our judicial system will be purified. If someone recruits cronyism, the people have the right to recall.


Establish universities in various parts of India and provide them with special funds. Talents are the primary productive force, which will change our country's manufacturing industry.


We will formulate a franchise system for mineral exploitation to make the military more independent and sufficient in terms of funds. This system can make India strong, developed and become a manufacturing country like Japan, as strong as China or the United States, or even better than the blue.



印度网友塞恩 兰巴的回答

At present, China is ahead of India in the fields of economic strength, military strength (conventional and nuclear weapons), infrastructure (roads, electricity and water), industrial production capacity (almost all sectors), construction and project management skills, high technology, especially telecommunications, space exploration, artificial intelligence and robotics, and basic scientific research to a certain extent.


India is not good for nothing. At present, India will take the lead in the following fields: software and information technology, agriculture, biotechnology, diamond and gold jewelry production.


The advantage of India is that most of its population can learn in English, so it is easier to integrate into English speaking countries in the world. Therefore, Indian immigrants perform well abroad, bringing huge foreign exchange to India and the good will of countries around the world to accept Indians.


China's amazing growth in the past three decades is mainly based on the export-oriented economy. Driven by this economy, China has become a manufacturing base all over the world.


Starting from a production center of cheap goods, it has gradually developed into a high-tech production base. Even with the increase of labor cost, it can use large-scale production to form good economic benefits.


However, in this amazing success, the root cause of future Sino US trade disputes is hidden.


In addition, with the growth of China's economic strength, China's military spending has increased year by year, and military science and technology has made great progress, which has caused anxiety among the hegemonic country - the United States and its allies, while India has no such concern.


On the other hand, India's economic growth rate is also very high. Although it is lower than that of China, it is more based on the growth of domestic consumption. India does not have a huge export surplus, so the United States is more friendly to India and will continue to be a favored supplier for a longer period of time.


Despite China's vast territory, India has wider arable land and will produce more agricultural products than China, which enables India to export a large number of grain and agricultural products.


India is also investing heavily in military power, infrastructure and research, and will catch up with China in many fields, especially in space exploration and nuclear research. The attempt to establish a military production base will certainly help to improve its industrial production capacity.


India has a younger population structure and higher growth rate. If its education system can maintain a high level, it will produce a higher demographic dividend. By 2050, India's young population will be much larger than China, which will be a major advantage.


Therefore, it is not difficult to see that in the next 30 years, unless there is a black swan event, such as a weakened war or a series of natural disasters, India is likely to catch up with China or continue to move forward in some fields.


These two countries are already the most populous countries in the world and may become the largest economies in the next 30 years. In most parameters, their intensity is quite equal, but this is a marathon. I believe India will be more hopeful to stand out.



