








There are great cultural differences between China and India. Although I admire China very much, I have to say that Indian civilization has had an important impact on China in history.


Religion is an indispensable part of Indian daily life. They fear gods, believe in piety, metaphysics and pay attention to religious rituals and traditions.


China does not pay attention to these. There are great differences in food culture, music style, language and clothing, not to mention that China is more homogeneous in terms of race and language.


Despite all kinds of differences, cultural exchanges have never been cut off. As Sean Xuande lyabov said, India's influence on China is huge.


The influence of Buddhism on China is well known, but the influence of Hinduism is little known. Behind China's Hindu temples, there is a forgotten history: Sanskrit stimulates the changes of Chinese characters and makes them more expressive.


During the short Sui Dynasty (581-618), scholars of cultural exchange translated Brahman medicine, Brahman mathematics and Brahman astronomy into Chinese. The Indian Bodhi Lama and Buddha established the Shaolin Temple in Henan Province, from which the Kung Fu of Shaolin Temple spread.


The infatuation with Indian Buddhism is the epic journey of two Buddhist masters, FA Xian and Xuan Zang.


As early as 1792, when the Panchen Lama discussed Tibetan Buddhism with Emperor Qianlong, the basis of the two discussions was Indian psychology and cosmology.


China's influence on India is less obvious. Even the tea that Indians like today was brought into this country because of European colonization. However, silk came to India through the silk road. Silk has long been called cinapata by Indians to show its inextricable ties with China.


1. In our Indian scriptures, China is regarded as the main race outside India, such as the Koran and Mahabharata. They play an important role in Hindu and Buddhist legends.


2. During the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century, Chinese ships docked at most ports in India for supplies and cultural and trade exchanges, the most famous of which was the fleet led by Zheng He, who left a large number of Chinese cultural relics. Today, archaeologists regularly study these Chinese cultural relics.


3. Chinese painting influenced Persian painting, which in turn influenced Indian Mughal painting.


4. China's gunpowder and other artillery weapons have largely determined the success or failure of many wars in Indian history, which has a great impact on the historical trend of India.


5. The influence of Chinese architectural style can be felt in the Himalayas on the Indian side and Kerala.


The above interaction is basically not worth mentioning in the long history. Compared with Japan, South Korea and Vietnam, which are deeply influenced by Chinese culture, the exchanges between China and India are actually relatively limited, which leads to great differences in social culture between the two countries.


1. Historically, there is no common border between the population centers of China and India. For thousands of years, the two countries have been separated by thousands of miles of harsh deserts, plateaus, dense forests and high mountains. It is almost impossible to send troops across the Himalayas.


2. For most of the time in history, these two countries were not such fanatical cultural preachers as Greeks, Persians, Arabs or Western Europeans. Due to their own cultural advantages, they did not think it necessary to influence others.


3. The later Ming and Qing Dynasties were also politically isolationist. India was not within their sphere of influence and was not interested in India. Similarly, Indian Muslim rulers were not interested in crossing the Himalayas and annexing other regions.


4. Chinese expatriates mainly poured into Southeast Asia, up to Myanmar, and very few entered India. This may be because some parts of Southeast Asia were tributary countries in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.




I don't think so. For many reasons, India's culture is more diverse than that of China. Of course, the most important reason is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. The existence of Indus River Basin civilization, Harappa civilization and mohanjedaro civilization is second only to Mesopotamia in history.


Historically, India is not only a popular academic exchange center, but also a trade center. The influence of different cultures in this period was well reflected in the art, culture, architecture, architecture and lifestyle at that time.


If we return to ancient India, Aryans came to India from Persia at that time, adding Persian flavor to Indian culture.


Mughals came from the Middle East, and Arab countries came to India through the Khyber Pass. These two groups also left their cultural mark in India.


Then came the Dutch, French, Portuguese and British, who brought advanced ideas and production tools and transformed Indian culture to some extent.


In addition to external factors, religious factors are also an important reason for this diversity.


The branches of India's own culture and religion, such as Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism and Islam, have added impetus to the growing diversity of Indian civilization.


In addition, I would also like to say that the languages of different populations and regions are also the key factor of great diversity.


Climate is also an invisible component, leading to the diversity of eating habits, clothing, construction and lifestyle.


All these factors are relatively missing in China, so India's cultural diversity is stronger than China.




Chinese society has not been divided into 100 different groups, nor has it been divided and isolated by the caste system.


In my opinion, India has lost more than 1000 years of progress and self-identity, partly due to foreign rule, and the main roots are caste system, endless religion and North-South Division.


Intentioned foreigners took advantage of these things and succeeded in further destroying Indian self-identity. India also has a glorious past, but from about 1100 to 1947, India was constantly ruled by foreigners and unfortunately lost 1000 years of progress opportunities.


I live in Canada. Chinese people can work harmoniously with people from almost all countries in the world. I say with full confidence: Chinese people work very hard, care about their own affairs, and are very productive and creative.


Most Chinese people respect their nation's past very much and preserve it. Just look at their vast historical materials.


You can also visit their museums in Shanghai and Beijing. There are a wide range of cultural relics left. You will sigh for their cultural background. They are very proud of their superb skills in architecture, civil engineering and art.


China's family structure is an umbrella. The elderly are the pillar of family aggregation. The tradition of respecting and loving the elderly has been inherited to this day.


China emphasizes the educational role of the family, which they call parenting. These grandparents and great grandparents constantly pass on their experience and wisdom to the next generation, which is rarely seen in India.


Chinese people have strong cohesion and their society is relatively homogeneous. Only Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism have the greatest influence in China. The three are also well integrated, with almost no religious contempt, hatred or struggle.


Chinese people are also very pragmatic. They believe in causality and are willing to make good friends. China's violent crime rate is extremely low and has great respect for women. I believe that through hard work and personal struggle, we can bring a better life to ourselves and our family.


Chinese people are born with a sponge. Once they see the advantages of other nations or countries, they will not hesitate to adapt for their own use. For example, Buddhism flourished after its introduction. With the passage of time, Buddhism and Taoism perfectly integrated and formed its Chinese identity.


The sum of all these unremitting efforts has brought China's prosperity and security.


For me, China's success is human progress. If one sixth of human beings live happily, eat well, wear warm clothes, and the crime rate remains at a very low level, I think the gods and Buddhas will be happy to see it.


Moreover, in the west, despite all kinds of difficulties, overseas Chinese communities always perform best in survival, prosperity and development. In western countries, white people have strong feelings of xenophobia. They want to shut out Chinese, but they can always stick to it and defeat their competitors.


I was impressed by one example: a mine in the western United States was completely mined. The white mine owner thought there was nothing in it, so he sold the mine to the local Chinese. The local Chinese took over after exploration and soon dug out gold ore in it.


The Chinese don't want to waste their energy on meaningless things, such as India. Their main targets are the United States, Japan and the top countries in Europe. They hope to learn first and then surpass in every field. What's terrible is that they have almost achieved it.



