








I usually read a large number of military journals or columns, and I have never encountered any comment on Western military experts' contempt for the Chinese army.


The argument that China's military strength is inferior to that of other military powers is often for political purposes rather than based on objective facts.


Nevertheless, we must admit that the strength of the Chinese army is more difficult to assess than that of other countries for several reasons:


• in consideration of national security and strategic deterrence, China will not disclose its military equipment and detailed data, and transparency has never been considered for their military and national security institutions. In short: many things need to be kept secret.


• the best way to evaluate a country's military capability is joint exercises. However, China rarely trains with the Western military and rarely sends its students to Western military academies for study and exchange. Therefore, it casts a mysterious veil on the Chinese army.


• according to international disarmament treaties, many western countries and Russia are obliged to publish the import and export data of their military equipment, while China is not bound by this.


• since the 1980s, China has rarely participated in major wars and conflicts. Therefore, the evaluation of their combat effectiveness can only be speculation. No one knows how they will behave in the armed conflict, not even themselves.


A few years ago, China began to modernize its armed forces, and its overall strength has been increasing. In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Chinese army was not developed to some extent, improved the technology of the Soviet era, and there were few weapons projects with independent innovation, but now earth shaking changes have taken place.


China has become the second largest economy in the world. The next stage for them to realize the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to use abundant funds and independently developed science and technology to build a world-class army. Of course, there is still a long way to go.


However, people should not forget that only 20 years ago, the Chinese army was a "people's army" in the style of the 1950s. There were no modern weapons or innovative weapons projects, but they realized the modernization and informatization of the army in a short time.


Instead of laughing at China's efforts, most military experts are impressed by China's military progress over the past few years.


Chinese soldiers have always been known for their strict discipline. In any case, they are waiting for the day, wearing high-quality uniforms, marching easily for several kilometers among the mountains, and adapting to any conditions and difficult conditions.


Every soldier cherishes honor and mission. I was surprised by the consistency of tasks performed by all units. All orders were strictly implemented.


In fact, I don't want these soldiers to be enemies. With regard to the Chinese army, we have such a sentence: when the commander hands over the task to his subordinates, they will use 200% of our strength to promote... "




Many Western military theorists and politicians still have a certain degree of stereotypes. This is their imagined China:


When the superpower has completed the production of nuclear weapons and computers, China is struggling with how to make nails and matches by itself. When the Kitty Hawk began construction in 1956, China had just mastered the technology of making AK-47 by itself in the same year.


When China spent more than 4% of its GDP on military spending, it had neither capital nor technology (except for a few transfers from the Soviet Union). After China managed to have sufficient funds and technology, the national defense budget has never reached 1.5%. Without strong financial support, a large part of the Chinese army is still technologically backward.


After 60 years of modernization, in the past 20 years, the modern weapons provided by China's national defense complex have begun to take shape, but large-scale procurement still rarely occurs. The army does not have much money, but the high-end equipment the army needs is expensive.


Therefore, the legacy of the cold war, such as the 59 tank (a replica of the Soviet t-55) and the J-7 fighter (the Chinese version of the MiG-21), has been in service for more than half a century.


At that time, such "poor" technology and capital investment were hopeless.


In reality, the display of China's military power:







Whether exaggerated or belittled, it shows the ulterior motives of some western countries.


Some of them exaggerated the importance of actual combat. Soldiers who can pass the actual combat must be experienced soldiers.


However, today, training is not completed through simple low-cost superposition. For example, if you are a boxer, the best way to train you is to find a strong partner.


In fact, you only need an equal opponent, and this person must be of high quality. If you find 100 kindergarten children as training partners, do you think this kind of training is effective?


US Marines participating in the Gulf War believe that the intensity of this military operation is not as strong as their usual training. The military training of the US Marine Corps is aimed at the Soviet Union, not Iraq. Therefore, the actual combat experience brought by Iraq to the US Marine Corps is not much and of little significance.




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