








The Nobel Prize winners include 860 individuals and 22 organizations, including 363 Americans, accounting for 42.2% of the total. The cold war opponent of the United States, the Soviet Union, has 27 participating republics, accounting for 3.1% of the total and 7.4% of the United States.


Followed by the UK, with 123 people, accounting for 14.3% of the total and 33.9% of the United States. Germany (106), France (68), Sweden (31) and the Soviet Union / Russia (27) ranked third to sixth.


We can review the world powers from the beginning to the middle of the 20th century. They are the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union (1930s to 1990s), France (until 1940), Germany (until 1945) and Japan (until 1945). From the 1950s to the 1970s, the economies of the two defeated countries in World War II gradually recovered and their national strength became stronger and stronger, except Russia, The per capita GDP of these countries is between 30000 and 40000 US dollars.


To stand out from the list of Nobel prizes, a country should be strong enough to become a world hegemony, rich enough to top the list in all scientific fields, and have enough voice in the scientific community.


However, China is still not very rich, its per capita GDP is still lower than the world average, and the impact of China's scientific community on world science and technology is still growing from scratch.


China has never claimed to be a world hegemonic power, and its influence is far less than that of the hegemonic power in the 20th century. For most of the 20th century, it was in extreme poverty and weakness. Therefore, it is natural that there are not many Nobel Prize winners in China.


In addition, although the figures I quoted include the economic prize and the peace prize, I did not include them in my analysis because they are very controversial. The Nobel Peace Prize has always been regarded as a political tool.


The average time from the Nobel laureates' corresponding scientific breakthroughs to their actual Nobel Prize in natural science is 30 to 40 years, mainly because these discoveries may need to be verified repeatedly and finally be reduced to truth, which needs to stand the test of time.


Thirty or forty years ago, China was still in the early stage of reform and opening up, and there was not much money for basic scientific research. After the rapid economic development, China's scientific research funds and achievements began to rise significantly after the 21st century.


According to the authoritative natural index, China, which measures the strength of scientific research, is already the second in the world. It is only a matter of time before Chinese researchers win the Nobel Prize in natural science.




As Chinese graduate students, this problem keeps us awake at night. We have to admit that our university has some shortcomings in mechanism and research environment.


How the future will develop depends on our current situation. Therefore, to answer this question, it is very important to understand the current situation of modern China's higher education system. Of course, this is a very complex problem, involving university infrastructure, funding institutions and scientific research environment.


Before going to Hong Kong, I worked as a graduate student in one of the top five universities in Shanghai for two years. Later, I studied and studied physical science in another top university. Although my view is mainly based on personal experience and drawing on the descriptions of my friends studying in other top universities, I think what I want to say is universal.


1) The researchers in the Department have a strong sense of conformity, and the standards of excellent students are mediocre to some extent. A typical student is often a shy, conservative and diligent image. If he is too independent and deviates from this standard, it is not worth advocating.

1) 系里的研究人员有很强的从众意识,而且优秀学生的标准在某种程度上是平庸的。一个典型的学生往往是一个害羞、保守、勤奋的形象,如果太特立独行,过于偏离这一标准是不值得提倡的。

This concept is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and basic education system. For example, parents and teachers usually praise their children as "you perform well" rather than "you are smart or imaginative".


There is no doubt that magnificent scientific works often involve innovation and adventure. Too docile is often difficult to produce results.


2) The university scientific research environment has no stimulating effect on intelligence, and there is a lack of communication and Discussion on scientific topics.

2) 大学科研环境对智力没有刺激作用,关于科学议题的交流和讨论非常缺乏。

Many professors have the impression that Chinese students never ask questions after the meeting. In fact, in addition to language barriers and Asian shyness, an important reason behind it is herd mentality. People are sometimes afraid to stand up and attract other people's attention.


A key element of scientific communication is questioning and challenge. My impression is that some people here attach great importance to Eq. asking others scientifically and rigorously is sometimes mistaken for trying to embarrass others or despise them.


3) Many universities, including academia, have a very strong sense of hierarchy. Here, tutors are called "bosses" and regarded as "bosses". I know a doctoral student who has to clean his tutor's room every day and is asked to repair his daughter's laptop.

3) 在许多大学里,包括学术界,有着非常强烈的等级意识,在这里,导师被称为“老板”,并被视为“上级”。我认识一个博士生,他每天必须打扫导师的房间,还有一个被要求修理导师女儿的笔记本电脑。

In such a hierarchy, it is not surprising that students' ideas and criticism may be fiercely attacked.


Let's return to the question, "will things change in the future?" Things must be getting better.


Admitting shortcomings is for better improvement. After China's university education reform, the old tradition and ideology are rapidly disappearing. This phenomenon is not as strong as in the past. In addition, China's top universities tend to recruit researchers educated in the world's top universities. This policy may help to establish a new and more open research environment.




Because the United States has money and is the biggest beneficiary of World War II.


Through the open immigration policy, the United States has attracted many top scientists from all over the world, which is very important to the scientific and technological explosion in the United States since the 1930s. As Lee Kuan Yew said in a speech, China has 1 billion potential scholars to choose from, while the United States has 7 billion.


In the field of science, Nobel Prize winning research needs strong financial resources and strong infrastructure. A crazy scientist with a paper and pen and a rudimentary laboratory infrastructure can no longer make breakthrough discoveries.


To achieve this, we need a lot of economy and a lot of money. Therefore, Japan has been more successful in funding Nobel Prize candidates than any other Asian country - they have the "mula prize".


The West as a whole has many awards, because the last era - about 1700 to 1940s - was dominated by Europe. They have the best economy, so they have better laboratories and universities. In every era, there is a civilization that dominates scientific discoveries. It once belonged to China, then Europe, and now the era of the United States.


In addition to a strong economy, the United States also has strong research driven companies, such as Bell Laboratories, which have trained many Nobel laureates.


Many politicians have somehow won many worthless Nobel Peace Prizes. In general, the president of the United States and even their secretary of state can win prizes for buying hot dogs.


In peace and literature, people think that the West has more prejudice, because the Nobel Prize is awarded by and for westerners. Bob Dylan has won this award - compared with Asian musicians, this is not because of the difference in the quality of their works, but because the European judges pay less attention to Asia.


Scientific talents and resources are distributed more and more evenly in the world, and China and other emerging scientific research economies are also investing heavily. I think this will significantly change this situation in the coming decades. However, the construction of elite universities will take a long time, and schools in the United States and Britain may retain many advantages.




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