








Leo Tolstoy wrote in his famous work Anna Karenina: all happy families are the same, and each unhappy family has its own misfortune. It is also appropriate to apply this famous saying to the BRICs countries.


All developed countries are quite similar, such as the allies of the United States. They live in stability and have good clothes and food. However, each of the BRICs countries has its own development problems. India is poor, its medical and health undertakings lag behind, and its crime rate remains high; South Africa's size is too small, its growth is slow, and its domestic reform has stalled; Russia is quite unstable, with a single economic model, bellicose and aggressive; In the process of developing a high-end economy centered on innovation, China is facing blockade and confrontation from western developed countries; Brazil's economic growth is slow, drug and security problems are serious, and its development is excessively dependent on natural resources.




The BRICs countries are like barrels in the barrel theory. Each country has its weaknesses and advantages, which is also the fundamental reason why the five countries are called "emerging market countries". If the structure of the BRIC countries is similar to that of the EU or NATO, then India's role is equivalent to that of Germany, acting as a ballast. India's advantage lies in high-end technology, finance and services, which are currently dominated only by developed countries.


In a sense, among the BRIC countries, India's economy and politics are the most like developed countries. Although ironically, India is not developed, it is huge, diverse, democratic and stable, which provides infinite potential for India's development.


International experts and scholars often use indicators such as per capita income to deny India's achievements. Obviously, this is neither fair nor reasonable. The per capita income of Qatar is twice that of the United States, and the income of Luxembourg and Brunei is much higher than that of the United States or Europe. Can you say that these countries are political and economic powers?


Per capita income and human development index are only related to the domestic political and economic environment. For geopolitics, the total GDP is the main indicator. In this indicator, India ranks the top 8 and ranks first in South Asia.




Why is India important to BRICs countries?


India has the fourth largest military force in the world, is one of the eight nuclear countries in the world, ranks first among the five countries with advanced space programs, and the second largest population constitutes the necessary conditions for being a big country. India is also the third largest food producer in the world, second only to the United States and China. The Indian government controls the total GDP of US $2.6 trillion per year and grows at a rate of 5-7% per year.


Like China, India is also a huge commodity consumer market. The other three countries - Brazil, Russia and South Africa are extremely dependent on commodity exports. Through the BRICs international mechanism, buyers and sellers can reach cooperation within the framework, and India is indispensable. Most importantly, India's economy is growing at a high speed. Among the world's largest economies, only China and India have rapid economic growth, which can be called the engine and leader of world economic development.


BRIC member countries are developing countries or newly industrialized countries, which are famous for their huge and fast-growing economies and their significant impact on regional and global affairs; Another major thing these countries have in common is that they have a large number of potential human resources. As of this year, the total population of these five countries has exceeded 3 billion, accounting for 40% of the world's population. If India is excluded, the BRICs group of these countries will become nominal, and China's influence will be greatly weakened by relying on China alone.


Economic cooperation is one of the key areas of India's policy towards the BRICs. India regards the BRICs mechanism as an important platform for establishing multilateral relations with Latin American, African and Asian countries. India is also trying to solve the long-standing complex relationship and trust with China through the BRICs mechanism. For India, cooperation with China, Russia and other countries is very important in solving its energy and food security problems and combating terrorism.




In order to stimulate the economy and enable the United States to recover from the financial crisis and recession, the Federal Reserve's monetary easing policies put pressure on the BRICs countries, and its economic outlook is also dark. A large number of investors withdrew from the financial markets of the BRICs countries. Goldman Sachs cancelled its BRICs currency fund to avoid risks.


And the U.S. Securities and stock market are more profitable, The influx of investors has threatened the economic growth of the BRICs countries to a certain extent, and the economic growth of most countries has slowed down. In this context, India has become the only bright spot in the BRICs countries because of its reform policy, and the Indian rupee has become the best performing currency in the BRICs countries.


There is no doubt that India is indispensable in promoting South South cooperation and North South dialogue. It also has great achievements in helping internal member states actively achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The number of medals of India in the Olympic Games is irrelevant. The comprehensive national strength and geopolitical advantages do not depend on how fast people in your country run on the track. Israel has much fewer medals than Jamaica, but the international status of the two countries is not the same.


If China is the pillar of the BRICs mechanism, India can definitely be regarded as the foot and leg of the system. China's dominant position does not necessarily run counter to India's interests. In fact, India can use this platform to play its role as a lever between China and the United States and use its own volume to obtain benefits from the two countries. Therefore, from a pragmatic point of view, It is much better for India to participate than to stay out.



