








The early missionary history of Christianity in these three countries was largely unsuccessful.Because the fact at the time was that the missionaries were seen as a means of trying to colonize these countries.It was tolerated early, and it was long suppressed in all these countries (there were many believers in the Mongol Empire).


The Meiji Restoration was legalized in Japan, but it was still regarded as foreign ideas in the era of Japanese nationalism.As Japan became a modern country closer to Western Europe, people became less religious, strictly like church members in Britain and France, but the Japanese also shouted to put the concept of the church into practice.The slogan is "Marry God and bury the Buddha," but this is just a slogan, not true.When it was legal in Japan after the Meiji restoration, it was still thought of as a foreign idea in a time when nationalism was on the rise. As Japanese became more and more a modern state the same dynamic that has happened in Western Europe happened. People became much less religious just as people are technically members of the Church in England or France but don't practice much, people in Japan say "married Shinto, Buried Buddhist" but don't do much in between.


In China after the Nestorian times, it had some success with the Jesuits who adapted to fit into Chinese culture, for example venerating ancestors was allowed. As part of a campaign against Jesuits that led to their being disbanded, the Pope declared that they were promoting idolatry.


Later, the Chinese emperor banned these influential Catholics.In the 19th century, Christian missionaries returned to China in the 19th century, as China was weakened by Western powers.The leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom movement identified them as Chinese Christians.The war between 1850 and 1864 resulted in about between 20 million and 30 million deaths.The missionary work has continued ever since.The Boxer Rebellion movement was partly a part of the missionary work.


In stark contrast, it is South Korea.The same is true of early history, and Christianity was suppressed by its association with colonial forces.But under Japanese colonial rule, Christianity began to be seen as a form of resistance against power.Since World War II and colonial liberation from Japan, it has been culturally associated with the middle class, youth, intellectuals, urban dwellers, modernnists and nationalists who opposed Japanese oppression.



Before the Korean war, the majority of Christians was in the north. Most fled to the south. Since the Korean War it has been seen as force helping South Korea's pursuit of modernity and emulation of the United States, and opposition to the old Japanese colonialism.


Nonclergy and local leaders as compared to foreign-born missionaries contributed greatly to their growth.Those who opposed the military junta and supported democracy were also seen as an equivalent to the Christian movement.Those who advocated social equality were seen as allied with Christians.Christians teach that all men, high and cheap, are the same before God.This is in sharp contrast to the traditional Confucianism.Rapid economic growth is seen by some as a sign of divine blessing.In South Korea, the Evangelical movement has been dedicated to helping marginalized groups like poor factory workers and prostitutes.


These views and approaches have led to an extremely rapid growth. Today after the US, Korea sends more missionaries abroad than any other country. About 30% are Christian.




Christianity was introduced into Korea by Catholic missionaries in China.Due to the Joseon dynasty ban, the Catholic Church in Korea was mainly composed of the poor.However, throughout the 19th century, these Christian restrictions were gradually relaxed, and the missionaries began to come here from overseas (first in France).Christianity continued to develop, and the Korean monarchs began to see it as a threat to the hierarchical Confucian system.As a result, the government once again imposed restrictions, and thousands of South Korean Catholics were dealt with.To this day, many Catholic churches in Korea are named after "Korean Martyrs".


But eventually the Joseon dynasty reluctantly accepted Catholicism, which opened the door for American Protestant missionaries.Taking the educational institutions to Korea were the Protestant missionaries, who were the first to teach in Korean rather than Chinese.As a result, Christianity spread more widely, especially in the north (yes, I know it was ironic).North Korea became a Japanese colony in 1910.Then there was the suppression of the missionary movement.However, due to the repression, the missionary groups were independent of their counterparts in the United States and Europe.As a result, the Korean church became more Korean rather than purely ecumenism.


Under Japanese rule, the national Shinto was imposed on the North Koreans.While compliance is not mandatory, compliance is strongly encouraged.At the same time, the Korean language was banned, and the overall Korean culture was downgraded.The missionaries seized the opportunity to position themselves as defenders of the Korean identity.Although both the Japanese government and their Western counterparts have asked them not to interfere in politics, many have already done so.For example, many of the March 1 Movement, supporting independence in South Korea, are Christian leaders.



By the 1930s, Christianity was further suppressed and the National Shinto was authorized.Many Koreans see it as a sign of an inherent Christian connection to the independence movement, further increasing the Christian popularity.This continued in 1945 after its final independence (from Japan) and 1948 (from the Provisional Allied government), especially given the fact that South Korea's first president, Lee Seung-Won, was a Methodist.


As a result of the Korean War, millions of Koreans, mostly from the north , fled to the United States. Since Christianity was more popular in the north than in the south, this explains why Korean-Americans are more likely to be Christian than South Koreans.




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