








India is developing into an open market economy, but traces of its backward policies still exist. Facing the increasingly globalized world, the Chinese government has also formulated corresponding policies. Therefore, since the 1980s, China has shown signs of vigorous development.


After independence, the Communist governance adopted by Nehru was not suitable for India, and leaders such as rajaji, kriplini and Patel also opposed it.




Under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru's 17 year dictatorship, capitalism and free economy had no market in India. Later, Indira Gandhi inherited the legacy of the rule of the Communist Party of India, which led to India's long-term poor performance in social and economic indicators. Worst of all, she appointed Rajiv Gandhi, India's worst Prime Minister.


In the last 25 years of the 20th century, manufacturing shifted from the west to developing countries. At that time, China's transformation to a socialist market economy made it a better investment market.


At the same time, India's biggest advantage is also covered up by its biggest weakness.


1. For India, good dictatorship is better than bad democracy. Since 1974, India has fallen into a double crisis of politics and economy. The non partisan political leader J.P. Narayan launched a "comprehensive revolution" aimed at overthrowing Gandhi's Government (see JA Pu movement). On June 12, 1975, according to Narayan's indictment, the arahabad high court sentenced Gandhi to commit fraud in the 1971 general election and deprived him of his parliamentary qualification for six years.


The opposition and the opposition within the National Congress Party took the opportunity to ask Gandhi to resign as prime minister. At this critical juncture, Prime Minister Gandhi did not consult with the cabinet to persuade president Ahmed to sign the announcement on the implementation of the state of emergency on June 26. After 21 months of uncertainty and fear caused by the implementation of the internal state of emergency, India's democracy has been criticized by the international community.


2. Despite the large English speaking population, India's low overall literacy rate shows that it is a country whose people are deceived.


3. The depreciation of the rupee also increases the foreign exchange risk of investors, and the political instability makes capital flee frequently.


During this period, India experienced many internal problems, such as the 1971 war, haristan conflict, Bhopal gas tragedy, anti Sikh riots, terrorist activities in Kashmir valley and so on.


After 1991, under the leadership of P.V. narshimarao, India adopted the capitalist policy proposed by Dr. Manmohan Singh, which helped India get rid of the crisis. We returned to the track of major powers, but we were still more than ten years behind China.


Now let's compare China and India:


Although China has a larger population than India, due to the huge difference in territorial area, India's population density is much higher than China. The population below the poverty line in India accounts for 29.8%, while China accounts for less than 5%.




Labor force: the female employment rate in India is much lower than that in China. Therefore, the labor force in India is 487.3 million and that in China is 767.6 million.


High population density, large population below the poverty line and relatively small labor force are the failure of a whole set of systems.


On average, wealthy people in India have made more profits than China.


Foreign direct investment (2021): more than US $200 billion in China and US $40 billion in India.


The market value of publicly traded stocks: more than $10 trillion in China and $3.4 trillion in India.


On January 2, 1996, the Indian Rupee was 4.23 rupees per RMB. On January 1, 2015, the value of Indian Rupee decreased to 10.18 rupees per RMB 1.


India's only hope is Narendra modi. I hope he can get India out of trouble, just as he revived Gujarat's economy after the 2001 earthquake.




China and India have only one similarity: population. Both countries are the only countries in the world with a population of more than 1 billion. In other respects, the two countries are very different.


Why China is richer than India:


1) 地理/Geography

• India is blessed with vast plains, access to the sea from three sides of the peninsula, snow capped mountains, navigable rivers and rich delta.




• China has a geographical curse. They can only develop their economy on the east coast. Most cities such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing are located on the east coast.


• in order to reach China, the European invaders in the colonial era must either use India to reach China by land, bypass Southeast Asian countries to the east coast, or come from the United States.


• to reach China from India, they must pass through the thick Gobi desert, and the British soldiers have not received this training.


• in order to reach China from Southeast Asia, Britain did not control all territories on the way to China, such as Vietnam controlled by France, Indonesia controlled by the Netherlands and so on. Although all these countries are big European countries, they are always infighting frequently in order to make more profits from their lucrative trade.


• the United States had the same problem because there was no Panama Canal at that time, and they had to bypass the whole South American continent to reach China.


• other European powers were unable to colonize China because these European trading companies did not have the freedom to spend on military and other necessities as the British East India Company received from the royal family.


• when they came to Britain, they obtained silk from China through the opium trade and got what they wanted (without colonization). Later, in 1912, the country became a capitalist republic, and Britain's position in India weakened at that time.


• this has become a favorable factor for China because they are basically independent and autonomous. Unlike India, we lost our economic autonomy due to colonial rule in 1757.


Shashank kamath answered what made India the richest country from 3000 BC to 1757 and what led to India's sudden decline?

沙申克·卡马斯(Shashank Kamath)回答了是什么让印度从公元前3000年到1757年成为最富裕的国家,以及是什么导致了印度的突然衰落?

2) 政府的作用/The role of government

• China is the best example of giving full play to the function of the government, more specifically, establishing an independent government.


• let's start from ancient times. In the 16th century, due to the wrong policies of the Ming Dynasty from 1618 to 1683, 25 million people died, and China's economic contribution to world GDP decreased, leading to the collapse of the dynasty, which was then replaced by the Qing Dynasty in 1644. It was the peasant uprising that led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty in Beijing in 1644.


• in the 1860s, the Qing government experienced political turmoil, resulting in millions of deaths. The last nail on the coffin was nailed by the Republic of China established in 1912 after it failed to restore its hegemony over the Korean Peninsula.


• the Kuomintang authorities ruled corruptly until 1949, when the Communist Party of China overthrew the Kuomintang and the people were the masters of the country.


• this short history shows that whenever oppression and unrest occur, people will support / welcome new forces to launch stronger changes.


• India was reunified with the help of the ruling forces of the British royal family. We have vijayanagarh empire in the south, Mughal people in the north, Rajput people in the northwest and so on, which makes it easy for the British to colonize India.


• from 1770 to 1943, we experienced several periodic famines, which claimed one third of India's total population.


• for a hundred years, China has always had a central government with great authority, while India has only 70 years. When the United States was liberated from colonial rule, the new country needed to stabilize in the first 100 years, while China needed less time.


• India is a multi-party democracy and rarely hears the voice of the people, while opposition parties continue to lobby for their own interests.


3) 经济开放/Economic opening

• China can promote different land reforms and unify all government procedures, which makes them have an excellent business environment and use rich human resources to promote China to become the lowest cost manufacturing industry in the world. The government helps industries flourish, which gives them a competitive advantage over other manufacturing centers.


• at the same time, India faces an emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi's government. Our economy has experienced the highest inflation in India's history since independence, and trade is controlled by the government. When the emergency ended, we established India's first non parliamentary government in 1978, but it didn't last long.


As we have not recovered from the losses in the emergency period, the economy is in a serious crisis. Gandhi Gandhi's government was on the verge of economic crisis in 1991, but his rich experience did not push Gandhi Gandhi's government into crisis.


• India opened its economy in 1991 and it took us seven to eight years to recover, thanks to the turmoil of the current central government, which did not start to promote development until 1999.


• India has opened its economy, but there is no continuous government and sustained policy efforts to make India an investor friendly country.


• on the other hand, China can drive decision-making more efficiently than India.


Although history has played an important role in making China more stable than India, it is the bad policies of the Indian government and the right time for the new policies of the Chinese government that make China richer than India.



