









According to the current practice of the United States, yes, this is inevitable. This is not to say that the United States is about to lose its superpower status, but that the current process inevitably leads us to this point.


The main changing factors leading to China's becoming a superpower:


First, ignore people's livelihood. One of the main reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union was that under the pressure of Western isolation and the inefficiency of the Soviet Communist Party, they were simply unable to feed and support their people, and their light industry was in a state of collapse.


This is what China is good at. China's economic machine takes infrastructure and development as the primary goal. They turn deserts into grasslands and forests. They have built roads, cities, high-speed railways, etc., which enable them to rescue a large number of people from poverty and continue to undertake new projects.


Second, technology. The Chinese government has invested in China and its people, and they have made great progress in modernization. Just 20 years ago, the Chinese army was nothing. Today, they are competitive in many weapon systems in future wars. From supersonic missiles, to anti satellite missiles, to gene development, to stealth fighters, the Chinese military is rapidly becoming a major challenge for the United States in the Pacific region.


Third, China's population. With a population of more than 1 billion, China has enough manpower to compete with other countries. Chinese officials are investing a lot of educational resources to build a road to modern China. They have abandoned the one-child policy because the supply of food and other war preparedness resources is very sufficient, which means that with the arrival of the next generation, the second-largest economy will have more room for growth.


Fourth, the economy. China is the second largest economy in the world, and its growth rate is much faster than that of the United States. China has the largest manufacturing output in the world, and its economic scale will continue to grow with China's modernization, the development of domestic infrastructure and the establishment of greater economic ties with the world.


Fifth, military affairs. The Chinese army now has the world's second-largest budget. Militarily, the best analogy between the United States and China is the United States and Germany before World War II. Although Germany has better technology, better generals, well-trained soldiers, better weapons and better tactics, we can defeat the Germans because the United States has the upper hand in economic strength and far more industrialized production capacity than Germany. In the near future, the same thing may happen between the United States and China.


Sixth, the United States itself. The United States may be the biggest reason for our loss of superpower status. We allow American companies to move freely in China and spread American technical and industrial secrets. We have sold great projects at home and abroad to the Chinese and anyone willing to pay for our country. When these enterprises need to choose between home and greater profits, the capitalists do not remain loyal to the United States. They will follow the market like slaves of capital, and they will take everything from the United States.




American politicians have neither backbone nor authority. Whoever puts money into their campaigns and their private offshore accounts will give political rewards, and then watch it, but have no intention of stopping it.


The biggest comparative advantage of the United States is that China has been unable to establish important alliances with the world's "major players" - in addition to cultural and linguistic differences, China has proved to have done nothing in controlling trade and forming a national defense alliance since World War II. No matter what your personal views on NATO, GATT and the International Monetary Fund, they are effective. They give the United States a greater voice in world affairs than its people should allow.


In any case, China will continue to rise. If the United States does not take measures to prevent China from reviving again, we will fall behind.




No, China will never, not because China cannot, but because the era of a single country leading the world is coming to an end. China is committed to a multipolar world pattern, while the United States refuses and hopes to maintain hegemony. However, unless the new crown pandemic brings us back to the bronze age or species extinction, the world will become multipolar.


• China will not be able to compete with the United States until at least a breakthrough in China's military strength is achieved in 2040, even if the scope is reduced to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, not to mention the group of countries led by the United States.


By 2030, China's GDP will be much larger than that of the United States, but it will still be on the road of improving industrialization and have to invest more wealth in eradicating domestic poverty in order to maintain the income level and happiness of its population.


• the population advantage of a large country will be rewritten by automation technology. People still believe that population is a symbol of resource power. But what will the global economy look like when machines do most of the work? Agriculture / Agriculture / fishery, transportation / shipping, loading and unloading; Manufacturing, construction, government services, public accommodation / hospitality, sales / retail.


For thousands of years, these labor departments have employed about 90% of human beings, but all these will be disturbed by automation technology. China is the largest industrialized country in the world. Nearly half of the world's industrial products need to be supplied by China. But what will happen if machines can produce goods at one tenth of the cost of the Chinese people in the future?




• China doesn't want to play the role of the so-called superpower now. Of course, it hates the pressure of the United States, but China has no tradition of conquering everywhere. They think they are still in the stage of hiding their power and biding their time, and their traditional philosophy contains the gene of cooperation and win-win.


• I think politics will become globalized and multipolar, and international power groups will be more like political parties. Fortunately, a single nation state like China does not pursue hegemony like the United States. After all, superpowers are not conducive to Global Balanced Development in essence.



英国专家Brian Coughlan的回答

If we want to discuss whether China will become a superpower, we need to determine what the source of strength of the future world is. And how China controls them.


For example, the following elements are relevant to the future of the country:


1. In the 21st century, urban environment becomes more and more important in determining national strength. The new urban environment means a city that is clean, safe and easy to commute, has a large number of facilities and good living costs, and has enough technology companies, enterprises and industries to attract talents. There is enough entertainment and cultural attraction to attract the best talents.


The 21st century has turned cities into major power plants and countries, blindly polluting cities and expelling their best talents abroad in exchange for short-term economic benefits. In the future, the world will get nothing. Compared with the larger and denser urban environment with different levels of wealth and crime, a clean small city with good facilities, safe child rearing, enough entertainment and cultural life and good living costs can attract talents and provide power for the knowledge economy.


2. Data. Large enterprises and governments can access a large number of data pools and train their in-depth learning neural network models to optimize their business and governance systems.


Compared with the United States or China, the United States or China allows countries and private institutions to have more access to personal data, so that they can accumulate a large amount of data to train and improve their artificial intelligence models.




Cause in modern times, so much industrial and commercial value comes from such an automated data model that it has become a key factor in determining who will be in power in the future.


3. Winners and losers of climate change. China and India are expected to become future superpowers, but India is particularly exposed to the extreme risks of climate change. The North Ganges plain faces the risk of losing sustained river flow, and crop production and water supply are expected to decline sharply, which will have to be compensated by southern India or new technologies. At the same time, the centers of coastal economic powers such as Calcutta, Guangzhou and Mumbai are also at risk of sea-level rise and coastal floods.


The ability of countries such as China and India to adapt to the era of climate change by using technology to better optimize existing water resources, clean up new water sources and improve crop production, make better use of existing arable land and resettle farmers in dying agricultural land areas is only one of the many factors that determine whether these nation States can maintain their power rise in front of the changing earth.


These are just some of the many factors that determine the outcome of the 21st century power game. The increasing economic inequality, overpopulation, immigration, terror and political system in the era of populism are changing. As they change, they redefine how power comes from it.


I found that the Chinese government's efforts to reduce pollution, help the poor, promote social equity, reduce zombie enterprises, tighten fiscal expenditure and debt, develop a sustainable science and technology and business ecosystem in China, attract their top talents back to Chinese cities, and develop trade networks with neighboring countries, which can reflect their overall national strength far more than any original GDP comparison with the United States, which is experiencing a wave of populism in developed countries, From the perspective of pure capitalist interpretation, these measures in China are usually regarded as "unnecessary costs". This reflects the western nature of pursuing profit and its indifference to social equity.



