








Compared with the United States, China has been difficult to keep up in the semiconductor field. Semiconductors are very different from other technical fields, because China is severely restricted in the supply of skilled technicians in this field. You know, it is much easier and cheaper to create a computer scientist than a semiconductor engineer.


I work in the world's largest semiconductor company. I am a semiconductor device R & D designer. Doctors in various fields are everywhere. Chemical engineers and electrical engineers work together, mechanical and material science engineers discuss problems with each other, and some physics doctors.


To have a competitive semiconductor manufacturing plant requires a large number of highly skilled labor force. Compared with other industries, even technicians need to be extremely skilled. When you deal with things on the submicron scale, the complexity increases exponentially, the space for errors is very small, and the cost of each error may cost millions of dollars to make up for.


Therefore, a country needs a very strong technical education system to support its semiconductor industry. There are many top universities in China, so what's the problem? Localized and highly specialized knowledge.


Most of the best semiconductor professors in the world live in the United States, so the best students receive relevant knowledge training here, work and experiment in Intel or NVIDIA foundries in the United States. So the question now is, can China attract the best talents from American academia and industry to China? I'm afraid it's hard.


TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in South Korea have also achieved this, but the values of these developed economies are similar to those of western countries, and people with Western-style higher education may prefer these places. In addition, both TSMC and Samsung have advanced R & D teams and offices in Silicon Valley, and R & D can only be carried out in places with rich talents.


Earlier, China solved this problem by providing strong economic and professional incentives to Chinese students with advanced degrees in the United States to attract them back to China, but Trump's new move to ban Chinese students from studying in American universities will prevent this path of talent return. In addition, U.S. intellectual property laws and intellectual property security have become more stringent and important in high-tech companies, making it difficult for China to obtain relevant technologies.


A modern cutting-edge semiconductor manufacturing plant costs more than $10 billion. Do you think they will bother to invest in semiconductor related high-tech industries in China? Some of these tools cost more than $10 million and require highly skilled (even doctoral) personnel to look after, operate and modify them.


In addition, people working in factories are often limited to narrow areas, so few people know the whole process of manufacturing chips, which reduces the risk of employees leaving the company to go to competitors, because few people know the overall technology and drawings of the whole industry. All these mean that it will be extremely difficult to establish a semiconductor manufacturing plant from scratch in China. This technology is highly sensitive, strictly regulated and labor is scarce. Unlike computer science, semiconductor manufacturing is an industry that cannot be created by money alone.


In other words, in terms of all key indicators - time, cost and manpower, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, biotechnology or chip design are several orders of magnitude easier than semiconductor manufacturing.




The semiconductor supply chain network itself is complex, including design companies focusing on chip R & D, foundries manufacturing chips (Korean and Taiwan enterprises have the largest share), and semiconductor capital equipment suppliers providing machinery (semcap), which are currently located in Europe, the United States and Japan.


Chinese companies such as Huawei and SMIC are already designing cutting-edge semiconductor chips, which have reached the same technical level as their counterparts in Europe and the United States. However, in order to manufacture these advanced semiconductor chips, they need to rely on Taiwan foundry factories such as TSMC to manufacture semiconductors. Some of the equipment used by these foundry factories or the design patents of these equipment are controlled by the United States or designed with American software. Therefore, in the Sino US trade war, Americans are bent on destroying successful Chinese high-tech companies. They regard these devices or software as weapons against China.


The United States first aims at chip manufacturing tools. From design to manufacturing and even testing, no company has all the advantages in manufacturing the best chips, even TSMC, Samsung or Intel. The United States uses patent trumps to force all countries and enterprises to comply with U.S. laws and regulations. In the future, China will have to pursue a "clean supply chain" that is not affected by the United States.


The Chinese have been looking forward to and planning for years. At present, many Chinese foundries like Yangzi can produce 12NM semiconductors, and it is only a few months away from mass production.


In addition, foreign foundries such as Samsung are completing advanced foundries in China and expanding foundries in South Korea under the expectation / commitment of Chinese enterprises, as are European companies such as St micro. These companies are stripping or have stripped American components from their equipment because they hope to make considerable profits by selling products to the Chinese. In addition, China is designing new manufacturing processes and using new materials for the semiconductor industry.

此外,三星(Samsung)等外国铸造厂正在完成在中国的先进铸造厂,并在中国企业的预期/承诺下扩大在韩国的铸造厂,ST Micro等欧洲公司也是如此。这些公司正在剥离或已经剥离其设备中的美国部件,因为他们希望通过向中国人出售产品来赚取可观的利润,此外,中国正在为半导体行业设计新的制造工艺和使用新材料。

This will be a complex task. It may take 5 to 10 years for China to develop chips with a 5-nm process, but eventually China's economy will be self-sufficient in this field, because it is about the future. The future is digital, and the digital economy needs chips.


The United States is not far ahead in the semiconductor market. In terms of manufacturing, South Korea and Taiwan have 81% market share. In terms of mechanical lithography, only ASML in the Netherlands can produce the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography equipment required to manufacture the most advanced chips.


Time will tell us how long it will take for China to catch up with its neighbors and Europe, Japan and the United States. It is we who have left China with no choice but independent research and development.




I can't predict when China will achieve a breakthrough in the chip field,but you can see China's determination and execution from the following historical events.


China's nuclear weapons program was launched on January 15, 1955. Later, there was a bad relationship between China and the Soviet Union. On June 20, 1959, Nikita Khrushchev decided to withdraw Soviet experts who assisted China, and China turned to a comprehensive and independent policy of self-reliance.

中国的核武器计划于1955年1月15日启动,后来中苏交恶,1959年6月20日,尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫(Nikita Khrushchev)决定撤回援助中国的苏联专家,中国转向了自力更生的全面自主政策。

Then, the 596 project was officially established, which means that China's first independent nuclear weapons project was launched. By January 14, 1964, Lanzhou nuclear power station had successfully enriched enough fissile uranium 2351. On October 16, 1964, a 1550 kg U-235 fission implosion device was detonated.


In 32 months, China successfully detonated its first atomic bomb (October 16, 1964), launched its first nuclear missile (October 25, 1966), and detonated its first hydrogen bomb (June 14, 1967).


In order to ensure national defense security, the Chinese military tried to reduce its dependence on the global positioning system (GPS) operated by the US air force. The idea of developing Beidou was formed in the 1990s. When the first Beidou satellite was launched in 2000, its coverage was limited to China.


With the expansion of the use of mobile devices, in September 2003, China plans to join the European Galileo positioning system project and plans to invest 230 million euros in Galileo in the next few years. China can invest a huge amount of money, but it cannot be treated commensurate with it. China is not only unable to enter the decision-making body of the Galileo plan, but also blocked by the deliberate obstacles set up by the European Space Agency in the development of technical cooperation. China is very dissatisfied.


Later, China resolutely withdrew and focused on the research and development of Beidou navigation system. At that time, people thought that China's "Beidou" navigation system would only be used by its army. Surprisingly, China built a Beidou navigation system comparable to GPS in the field of global navigation.


The US government made a decision in 2015 to restrict China's use of Intel's fastest microprocessor. As a last resort, China can only build its supercomputing capacity independently and steadily, including efforts to develop its own microprocessors.


In 2011, China produced a relatively small supercomputer, which tentatively used domestic processors, but its large-scale computing system relied on American processors until 2016. In 2016, China released the latest supercomputer, which is a single-chip system with 10.65 million computing cores. It is completely constructed by Chinese microprocessors, and its computing power ranks first in the world.


In just 35 years, China has developed from a backward agricultural society to an industrial power. 35 years ago, China's per capita income was only one third of that of sub Saharan Africa. Today, China is the largest manufacturing power in the world.


it produces nearly 50% of the world's major industrial products, including crude steel (800% of the level of the United States, 50% of the global supply), cement (60% of the world output) and coal (50% of the world output), China is also the world's largest producer of ships, high-speed trains, robots, tunnels, bridges, highways, chemical fibers, machine tools, computers and mobile phones. I believe China is a country good at creating miracles.

