








Interesting question.


I have lived in China for several years and married a Chinese wife. I think my first impulse is to say, "never expect to fully understand Chinese culture."


This is not because they are too difficult to understand, but because the country we call China is a vast place with a long history. As a foreigner, it is wrong to expect to fully understand what it means to be a Chinese, or to do things in a Chinese way.


Leaving aside all the complexities, I think you can be pragmatic. If you just want to integrate into modern Chinese culture, I will give you the following suggestions:


1.Understand your position in interpersonal communication. In China, family always comes first, followed by relatives and old friends. They also welcome new friends, but will not give priority to making friends.


2.Dinner etiquette. In life, you are often asked "have you eaten?", This is a common greeting. Never underestimate the importance of a meal in China. A meal is an important occasion to solve problems. They spend a lot of time, resources and energy making, eating and buying food, not just to fill their stomachs.


3."Face" is everything. There are hundreds of ways for Chinese people to recognize or humiliate you, which can be reflected in some small details, such as who sits where, when to start talking, what food to eat... If you can read these codes, you will know your position in their heart.


4.Negotiation. China always gives you a choice, even if it's one of the main things they want.


The final agreement is not the final result. How many times have we signed the final signature after signing the agreement on something, but found that the matter has not ended yet. We will meet again at a big meal and then conduct a thorough renegotiation. They also call it "yin yang contract".


5.Contacts are very important. Chinese people establish relationships with companies or institutions on the basis of personal relationships.


6.Waste is the embodiment of idiocy. I haven't seen a respected Chinese who squanders. Economy and efficiency are the pillars of China's success. They think waste is a great crime.


7.Nature is beautiful, but only a few people have a realistic understanding of nature. China has a highly domesticated natural image, such as sports talkative, vegetarian cat, highly exquisite flower arrangement and so on. The Chinese romanticize nature.


Generally speaking, I like Chinese culture. When you are there, you will feel a sense of rebirth, surrounded by the richness and vitality of an ancient culture full of pragmatism and philosophy.




I prefer to answer this question by telling my life experience when I came to China 11 years ago. Although I lived and worked in Seoul, South Korea, from 2001 to 2007, I still have strong American cultural characteristics. I am as arrogant as you and not infected by the elegant and humble culture of East Asia.


Like many Americans, I am easily excited, talkative and impatient. I am a typical "omniscient" and often lack humility in my work and life.


South Korea is an Asian country with different cultural characteristics from the United States, but South Koreans are similar in the characteristics of self-expression I listed above, arrogant and arrogant.


However, Chinese people are not like this. When I first came here, I have been trying to adapt to this humble and polite cultural environment.


I'm so used to being associated with arrogant and boastful people that I think most people are the same, including myself.


I'm from Texas and spent a lot of time on the east coast of the United States, so my circle of close friends are confident people. Here, as a talkative person, even if you can't accurately describe yourself, it will make you more popular than a quiet person.


I remember my friends in the United States often laugh at quiet, silent people who work hard but never boast about their achievements.


We would say, "quiet people are often the most dangerous," or "if you don't boast, it's because you have nothing to boast about."


In other words, Americans have a "look at me, am I good!" We are used to it.


Therefore, when I came to China, I was subjected to a huge "cultural shock". The Chinese people are relatively conservative and quiet, and are very reluctant to talk about their personal problems.


The office atmosphere here is relatively quiet. Unlike South Korea, office politics and intrigues occupy the theme of work and life.


So in the first few years of adapting to China, it was difficult for me to adapt. But I stayed here because I found that the quiet lifestyle of Chinese people has some unique charm. In the United States and South Korea, I think I always focus on meeting people.


Although sometimes unfamiliar, Americans will soon make fun of you. They make fun of you by observing your quirks and different behaviors, while Koreans will insult you directly when they find your weaknesses.


But when I meet Chinese people, they don't put me in the spotlight, so I become more quiet and don't feel the need to entertain everyone with absurd stories or jokes.


However, I do miss the laughter and chat atmosphere in the United States. Nevertheless, I have matured a lot in China, and I am proud to be more calm, modest and patient.


To learn more about the cultural differences between Americans and Chinese, you can read an article published by verge, which is roughly as follows:


"In the United States, we value freedom and individuality. But Chinese culture is very different. There, individuality may be regarded as strange or even dangerous. After studying Asian philosophy as an undergraduate, I learned that Chinese culture attaches particular importance to the interests of groups."


This group can take the family unit, workplace or society as a whole. In the United States, we like to show a person's experience and preferences, not a group, and we don't often say that the United States is a mixture of public interests.


The concept of privacy in Chinese culture is also different from that in the United States. As far as I know, it is common to talk about age, income and marital status in the United States, but talking about these things in public can be regarded as gossip or taboo. In China, it is shameful to express feelings in public, but this is very common in the United States (especially in Dorchester, where couples often disclose their private affairs).


Anyway, we should respect the differences of other cultures, because if we are all the same, it will be too boring.



